Tuesday, May 25, 2010


hello poor little neglected blog. it's been a while; how have you been? sad & lonely. sorry about that.

so, what to tell you....so much has changed. i'm back in denver full-time (yay!). work is going well, if a little slower than i prefer, but not slow enough to be worried.

spring was rough this year. the first anniversary of heather's passing came, but not before another friend was lost way too soon and way too young. damn, j, you are missed. i don't know how cori does it but she's quite the inspiration. i hope she knows that.

but, at the same time, there's been lots of baby news this year - new babies, lots of kiddos with birthdays between march and june to celebrate. oh, and a puppy for amy, which isn't unlike a baby for us animal lovers. circle of life. it's, in all senses of the word, awesome.

elwood's doing great. we're just at a year after his TPLO surgery and he's 110%. his quirks are always cracking me up, but it's his smile that's the best thing...and it's around every day. what a life!

the wedding is less than FIVE MONTHS AWAY. i have a lot done, but i have a lot left to do. within 5 minutes a few weeks back i ended up with 38 things to do on my wedding-related "things to do list." but that bachelorette party has come and gone....and it was PHENOMENALLY FUN. amy is a rockstar and i'm lucky to have so many great girlfriends in my life.

and of course, there's kevin. there's a million things to say that don't have to be said. because that much love says it all.

okay, i promise to not stay away so long blog. see you in a week or so, i hope. (hey, small goals...)