Thursday, January 21, 2010

Epic Fail

John Edwards, you wretched disappointment. Let's see:
-Failed VP candidate
-Failed Presidential candidate
-Failed "Family Man"
-Failed more-or-less self-proclaimed poster child for "good ol' Southern Values"
-Failed Baby's Daddy

So, the first two on the list, hey, that's part of the game. But for the bottom of the, really?? You wanted to be the leader of the free world and you can't even lead your brain to take over the blood supply from your lower extremity? And the list of lies....first about the affair in general, then denial of fathering the staffer's child based on "timing", and now the admission that said timing was completely false. UGH. And the saddest part - you were someone who I think had some pretty good ideas about domestic policy, especially social programs. And you've made sure that no one will ever give a shit again about that.

Oh, and, lest we forget it takes two to tango....onto Reille Hunter. You've effectively turned yourself into a tired old cliche by sleeping with the boss, feeding off of charm and potential power. Oh, and it's pretty awesome on your part considering you knew he was married, and by being on the trail, knew his wife, too. You fail, too, Reille.

1 comment:

  1. Jason says "All Democrats are scumbags." :)

    Reminder: Monica Lewinsky


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